Updates Blog
Updates and improvements made to Teslascope in 2025.
- Restored access to the Data Export page and download functionality, following optimizations to its performance.
Bug Fixes
- Applied fixes to Fleet Telemetry message processing to ensure data persistence.
- Removed deprecated "telemetry" object from the cached vehicle model.
- Improved Tesla Account token refresh process to ensure data persistence and avoid token expiration issues due to temporary Tesla API issues or downtime.
- Resolved a server error that would occur if the only payment method was "Link" (Stripe).
- Adjusted the automatic subscription switch to occur on February 28th, instead of January 30th (which didn't exist).
- Corrected a visual bug where a "no subscription" message was displayed on some vehicle pages when the user was a legacy subscriber.
Bug Fixes
- For legacy subscribers, the option to cancel should now correctly link to the Customer Portal, instead of updating a payment method.
- Updated libraries and dependencies.
- Updated the phrasing
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issues relating to upgrading annual subscriptions.
- Resolved a server error that would occur when signing up for a new account following the V5 update.
- Resolved a server error that would occur when viewing the leaderboards as a guest.
- Resolved an issue where the vehicle name could end up as an empty string while updating, causing server errors.
- Resolved a server error that would occur when viewing software pages as a guest.
- Fixed a styling issue on the membership page where some sections could overlap the navigation bar on mobile devices.
- Applied fixes to the software version caching system to improve performance and reduce server load.
API Fixes
- Fixed "Add Vehicles To Tesla Account" API endpoint not accepting VINs.
- Resolved an issue preventing access to Charging History and Charging Invoice APIs.
V5: New year, new features.
Read about our major update in detail here.