Thank you.
To every individual, group, or otherwise company that has helped make this platform possible; we appreciate your support.
Alexandria Cornwall
Contributed numerous optimizations and improvements to the platform's efficiency.
WebsiteKim Hansen
Has contributed countless hours towards open-source Tesla projects in addition to Auth for Tesla, an iOS app for generating Tesla Account refresh tokens.
Shared vast feedback about Siri Shortcuts along with providing examples for future implementations.
Ely Haughie
Directly assists with server administration tasks, and contributed several optimizations relating to vehicle polling and overall performance.
Along with being a friend of Teslascope, Nila spent weeks assisting with many projects.
Made our team aware of various issues with charging rate calculations, resolving a roadblock that prevented us finalizing our cost estimation features.
Provided assistance with various backend functions in addition to being an incredibly kind member of the Tesla community.
WebsiteMark L.
Contributes release notes for China in addition to assisting with site-wide translations for Chinese members.
WebsiteNikolai Heum
Guided our team through some difficult roadblocks regarding authenticating Tesla Accounts as well as being an incredible friend.
WebsiteMike Burke
Contributed countless hours towards crafting an efficient data importer for our service as well as instrumental in other key areas.
WebsiteBen Perlman
Ben has been a wonderful friend to our platform and our favorite competitor. They keep us on our toes, while constantly providing useful viewpoints that help the ecosystem of Tesla third-party services grow.
The original and largest Tesla community on Reddit. The subreddit's discord server has supported our service since Day 1, and supports the worldwide Tesla community.
Early alpha testing and pushed for security improvements that benefit all members (2FA Authentication).
Teslascope is built for the worldwide Tesla community and without your support, we wouldn't be here.
Thank you to every last visitor, vehicle owner, and Tesla fan that has used our service.
Please note, expressing our thanks does not mean we endorse any of the aforementioned individuals, groups, or companies (or vis versa).