Release Notes

Full Self-Driving Beta v13.0

Improved decision making for unprotected left turns using better estimation of ego's interaction with other objects through the maneuver.

Improved stopping pose while yielding for crossing objects at “Chuck Cook style” unprotected left turns by utilizing the median safety regions.

Made speed profile more comfortable when creeping for visibility, to allow for smoother stops when protecting for potentially occluded objects.

Enabled creeping for visibility at any intersection where objects might cross ego’s path, regardless of presence of traffic controls.

Improved lane position error by 5% and lane recall by 12%.

Improved lane position error of crossing and merging lanes by 22% by adding long-range skip connections and a more powerful trunk to the network architecture.

Improved pedestrian and bicyclist velocity error by 17%, especially when ego is making a turn, by improving the onboard trajectory estimation used as input to the neural network.

Improved animal detection recall by 34% and decreased false positives by 8% by doubling the size of the auto-labeled training set.

Improved detection recall of far away crossing vehicles by 4% by tuning the loss function used during training and improving label quality.

Improved the “is parked” attribute for vehicles by 5% by adding 20% more examples to the training set.

Upgraded the occupancy network to detect dynamic objects and improved performance by adding a video module, tuning the loss function, and adding 37k new clips to the training set.

Reduced false slowdowns around crosswalks by better classification of pedestrians and bicyclists as not intending to interact with ego.

Reduced false lane changes for cones or blockages by preferring gentle offsetting in-lane where appropriate.

Improved in-lane positioning on wide residential roads.

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Model S 0
Legacy 0
Refresh 0
Model 3 0
Model X 0
Legacy 0
Refresh 0
Model Y 1
Cybertruck 0


United States 1

Autopilot HW

HW4 (Latest) 0%
HW3 100%
Legacy (HW0 - HW2.5) 0%


July 18, 2022 1

Previous Update

2022.12.3.20 1 (100.0%)

Update History

The historical record of all vehicles that received this update.

Time Previous Version Model HW Country
2022-07-18 14:19 2022.12.3.20 Model Y SR (2021) 3.0 United States