Big changes have landed with V5! Check out our blog post, to learn about recent changes to the platform and subscriptions.

Our Referral Program

We believe that every single Tesla vehicle owner deserves the best ownership experience possible, without exception. As such, when you refer another Tesla vehicle owner and they sign up for premium, you're always rewarded.

How It Works

We keep our rewards simple and easy to understand.

Referring another vehicle owner.

You will receive one month of membership credit for every member you refer that signs up for premium. If you are still on your premium trial, it will be extended by one month instead.

Refer at least a dozen members (who sign up for premium) and you'll receive a lifetime premium membership.

If you are referred by another vehicle owner.

You will receive one month of membership credit upon signing up for our premium membership, which will apply immediately. You won't be billed until the following month.

Content creators, brands, and communities.

Check to see if these additional benefits may apply to you.

If you publish or create content relating to Tesla vehicles, or host events for current and future vehicle owners, we would like to show our thanks.

You can apply by emailing us at [email protected], with information about yourself, and any relevant websites/social media/etc.

Once approved, you will receive a lifetime premium membership for yourself and the option to translate any referrals into a direct payout (via Paypal).